Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Guide to Organizing Successful Bloggers Meet-Ups

I have been organizing social events like weddings, birthday, Christmas parties, team buildings and corporate meetings for 15 years already, but organizing a bloggers event to promote a product or service is still something new to me.  I am  not a "marketing" person, but after my 6 months of training with DigitalFilipino, I see myself doing Social Media Consultancy in the next few months. 
Digital Filipino Club Members and Bloggers Meet-Up
August 16, 2014, Valdez Hall, UP Bahay ng Alumni
(Melanie Austero, Marco Polo Demo, Jennifer Lopez-Gana, Sherlane Fortunado, Rochefel Ocampo
Ms. Janette Torral, Rey Baguio, Tiger Costales, RM Nisperos)
The challenge with this event is that I was given only less than two weeks to prepare for everything. Lucky me for being able to tie-up with the DigitalFilipino Club Members and Bloggers meet-up last August 16 and I don't need to invite bloggers by myself.

Hosting a bloggers event relies on practicality, creativity and giving back. With that, I am sharing some practical guide to organizing successful bloggers meet-ups based on my experience and learning with my CBSME Module 3 project.

1. Define your goal 
2. Determine Type of Event (and Budget)
3. Start Small (Set an Attendee Limit)
4. Don't Do It All On Your Own
5. Choose Your Sponsors Carefully
6. Find the Perfect Venue
7. Provide Food and Drinks
8. Provide Activity (Lecture, Project Updates, Product Presentation)
9. Don't forget the Give-aways
10. Make it Social and Have Fun

I've met some great people  who've taught me so much about this new found craft, and the experience of being a part of a group is immensely rewarding. I hope this simple tips will help you on your way in organizing meet-ups on what you are passionate about. If you would like to share some tips, please give your best practices on the comment section.

This event  would have never been possible without the help of our sponsors. 
Known for decades for it's great affordable student meals and friendly staff. Lopez Canteen has been serving the tastiest and the best-value-for-money meals among generations of UST students.
Lopez Cantee's Must Try Dishes
Kare-Kare, Palabok, Embotido

Mel Bagnate-Austero
0908 874 6401


Riel E. Gamiao

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